Our TTC Journey

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sad news...

After scheduling my follie scan appointment, I came home from work to find out that my husband IS deploying. When? A few short weeks. :( There goes my excitement. I really am going to miss him. I just don't know why I let myself get excited. I should have waited to do anything until that unit was gone and deployed and knew that he wouldn't be going. But, no, I didn't. I'm left with a broken heart... it's not so great feeling. Well, I'm hopeful for a December 2013 or January 2014 baby. I'm so angry right now.


  1. I'm so sorry. :( I hate it when my DH leaves for a few days, I can't imagine how hard it must be for even longer... You have incredibly strength and I know you'll both get through this! Are you still on for the IUI this cycle or will it have to be on hold until he gets back?

    1. It is difficult, but this is the life I chose so I have to be okay with him leaving at any point. It does make TTC very hard, especially with treatments. He told me tonight to keep the IUI scheduled. The date he is supposed to leave is the same day as I suspect the IUI to be. But he also got other interesting news that may push the deployment back so we may have time to do the IUI before he leaves. We just have to see how it all turns out. I'm nervous about being pregnant while he is gone. But we don't even know if it will work or not.

  2. Sorry to hear that..it must be really hard for you. I came across your blog a few days back and I really admired your strength and attitude reading it. I am sure all of this is going to reward you your dreams!! take care..would you be able to freeze sperm for this IUI?

    1. Thank you for recognizing my strength. I asked my RE about a month ago if we could freeze sperm and he straight out said no. I honestly don't know why because I've seen others do it. I think it may just be he cares about the well being of the child if my husband were to get hurt or die while being deployed. He cares, but it's still annoying that he said no and there is no time for me to find another RE that WILL freeze sperm. It is hard, but I try to remember that God is the one who provides my strength and courage. Thank you again for your kind words.
