How far along: 13 weeks!
How big is baby this week: The size of a peach! :)
Total weight gain: 9.6 lbs Oy...
Stretch marks: Being overweight does that to you. Yes.
Sleep: Sleeping okay...
Best moment this week: The fact that we're now in the second trimester!!!
Miss anything: Being able to control my food intake. My urges are SO crazy right now.
Movement: Too early!
Food cravings: French Fries, pizza, chicken.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I sometimes feel sick after eating, but not always.
Symptoms: Exhaustion and gas.
Belly button: Innie
Weddings rings: On most of the time.
Mood: Ready to start work on Friday. Summer has been making me feel depressed because I sit at home and don't do anything. lol
Looking forward to: Gender scan at hopefully 17 weeks!
Anything else?: Not really. Everything is going great!