Our TTC Journey

Monday, December 19, 2011


So I called my RE today to tell him when CD 1 was. He called me back and told me we wouldn't be able to do the IUI this month due to when I would be ovulating. I guess my body wants to party on New Years eve? Maybe bring in the new year with a bang of an ovary? Lol So the office wont be open. So it looks like I am shooting for a Feb. 1st IUI, or around there. Hopefully my husband will be available during that time. I will be VERY upset if we have to skip another cycle due to timing. But God is good and he will help us get through this. :D I am planning on trying to lose 10 lbs (or so) by the time of IUI. I know I can do it because I have done it before. So we are taking a break this cycle. Not temping or using OPK's. We need that! Just to enjoy every minute we have together during the holidays because next year, we might not have all of this time to spend together. I'm so anxious to know if DH will be going to Korea or staying here. I really pray he says here but moves into a different unit....time will tell.

Have a Merry Christmas!

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