Our TTC Journey

Monday, August 29, 2011

And BDing begins!

Went to our appointment today. Good news! Clomid did it's job and I had one follie at 20.3 mm!! Yay for only one, right? Don't know how I would deal with twins or something! haha Anyway, the nurse did the trigger shot and said to go home and do our "homework" for tonight and tomorrow. We will probably be doing extra credit on Wednesday and Thursday, possibly Friday as well.

Here's the kicker~
He did a post coital test and I wasn't good. :( He told me that it was due to the Clomid, which I had expected. We looked at the swimmers and there were TONS of white blood cells. He said it's due to the clomid blocking the estrogen or something? Not sure if this is correct, but I understood what he was saying. Although he did not say anything about using any lubricant, we went ahead and picked up some fresh PreSeed to help us out because my CM is hostile. HOW FUN! No wonder why our BDing has always been rather dry. :/

So in a couple of days we will start the two week wait! He said if I don't get my period by the 15th, then I need to come in that morning and do a progesterone & beta test. I got excited about this. I only pray that it works! I'm super excited! But cautiously thinking about all of the outcomes. He said if it didn't work this cycle, that next cycle he didn't want me to take Clomid and he just wanted to monitor my normal cycle at CD 13 with an ultrasound to see if am capable of maturing an egg early but just don't release it until later in my cycle. We will see how that goes. At least he is trying to figure out our issues!

But for now, we will do our homework and hopefully the PreSeed helps those swimmers get to where they need to be!



  1. GOOD LUCK!! FX that the pre seed does the trick! I hope that follie has your golden eggie!! :)
